Before we tell you the best way to store your coffee beans, it’s time to quickly debunk a couple of hacks/myths…
GrInD yOuR bEaNs ThE nIgHt BeFoRe To SaVe YoUrSeLf SoMe TiMe In ThE mOrNiNg
No! You’ve bought nice beans for a reason; don’t ruin their flavour by grinding them prematurely. Instead, why not save time by sleeping in your work clothes? Do you really need to shower every morning? Get your priorities right.

cOfFeE nEeDs To Be KePt CoOl - LeAvE iT iN tHe FrIdGe
No again! The moisture in your fridge will react with your coffee and make it dull and flavourless. Stay well clear.

So how should you store your coffee beans? It’s actually really easy:
1. Use an airtight container (or the bag they came in – just make sure it’s properly sealed with a clip or peg)
2. The container needs to be opaque (light can degrade your beans so stay away from clear jars unless you’re leaving them in darkness)
3. Keep them in a cupboard where the temperature is constant (room temperature is ideal - avoid any cupboards next to ovens, radiators etc.)
Follow these golden rules to keep your coffee fresh and delicious!
